March 06, 2007

The King vs. The Killer: Who should have been KING?

Who is the real KING of ROCK n ROLL? Yeap, I am referring to the two legends, Elvis Presley the King and Jerry Lee Lewis the Killer. One is known to move like the devil and the other turned gospel into boogie-woogie and claimed to have sang for the devil. When I was young, through the influence of my parents, especially my mum, most of the time I was listening to Elvis, because my mum fancy him. When I got older, instead of Elvis, I started to fancy Jerry. I just love his musical style and expressions. Not for the scandal of him marrying his third wife, Myra Gale Brown, who also happened to be his thirteen-year-old second cousin, Jerry would have given Elvis a fight till “hell breaks loose” for the title “The King of Rock n Roll”. Someone quoted, "Elvis might have the title, but Jerry is King of Punk Rock. He is Punk Rock before Punk Rock". Well Jerry, I hope you are happy with the title “the killer” and I will always remember you as the raw and wild one. As for Elvis, the movies made you a product, but I still love you man. Hope you guys enjoy my video clip of both the legends.



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