Remember The Hand Jives
Last Saturday, I was at my cousin’s party and they started to play Otis's number, 'Willie and the Hand Jive'. Yeah baby, it was the HAND JIVES time!! And I got up and started showing-off my jives. While I was busting the move, a young chap approached me and said, “That’s a cool Macarena dude….never seen that before”. Macarena?!! What in hell was he talking about? Doesn’t he know I was jiving with my hands? On my way home, I thought, “probably I didn’t do it right”, and as soon as I got home, I grabbed my old “Grease” movie and started searching for the part where John and gang performed the hand jives. “Yeap, looks like I did ok”, probably those youngster need some lesson and realised this would be a great topic for my memories. So, here’s a minor lesson in hand jives.
History: Hand jives are set sequences of hand and arm movements performed mostly while sitting down in theatres that emerged in the 1950's. In particular it was done to Johnny Otis's number, 'Willie and the Hand Jive'. Alternatively, it could be "danced" by a bunch of teenagers grouped around the jukebox in a crowded 1950's diner or café. In this setting dancing with their hands only could also be a good idea because of the lack of room. Hand jive is a kind of dance game to Rock and roll and Rhythm and blues music in 1950s. It involves complicated patterns of hand moves and claps at various parts of the body, following and/or imitating the percussion instruments while sitting at the concerts or crowding around jukeboxes. It could also be a highly elaborate version of Pat-a-cake. Hand moves include thigh slapping, cross-wrist slapping, fist pounding, chest slapping and pounding, hand clapping, elbow touching, hitch hike moves, etc. and ITS NOT A MACARENA MOVE!!!
Ok here is how you do it.
Roll your hands to the left, your hands to the right.
Then beat out the rhythm on both of your knees.
Clap your hands a one and a two.
Put your fists together how I love you.
Cross your hands above and below.
Tap your right elbow, your left and then, All you do is start over again.
GOT IT! Still don’t understand….ok watch the actual jives by John and gang, and watch the song performance too. Guys guys guys...its a jive not a "hand jXb", come on do it right, ha ha ha.